I always think I'm going to take a picture while we're at the doctor's office and then I forget once we're there.
Things weren't off to a great start this morning when I had to wake up Parker to get ready to make the 20 minute drive to the doctor's office. He only took half of his bottle before I had to load him up in the car. I was trying to give him the rest of the bottle while we waited in the exam room. When the doctor came in, I stopped feeding him so I could shake the doctor's hand. At this point, Parker flipped out and went berserk. I guess it was the pause in eating combined with a shorted nap, but he would not calm down.
The doctor and I talked through his hysterics and she examined him while I held him bawling on y lap. He wad almost calmed down, and then she examined his boy parts and he flipped out all over again!
Good news is that he now weighs 15.5 pounds putting him in the 60th percentile for weight, he's 26 inches long (70th percentile), and he has a big head. At least his head is rounding out, but he still needs to sleep on his side to help the flat spot on the back of his head. All in all, a very good report!
We cried again when he got his shots, but stopped pretty quickly once he got some more to eat and realized we were going home. He's now catching up on his sleep - you can see the big bandaids on his thighs.

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