
Kristen & Benton Brown

An Unexpected Start

An Unexpected Start
Parker Trimble Brown was born April 9, 2010.

I'm One Year Old

I'm One Year Old
Parker will be 14 months old on June 9th.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It is the Best of Times, It is the Worst of Times...

No, I do not have post-partum depression. I'm referring to the evening hours between 7pm and 10pm. The worst of times is between 7 and 8:30pm when Parker throws his nightly temper tantrum. Some nights are worse than others, but we have finally figured out that when hr gets really berzerk its because he's exhausted from the day and fighting sleep. We swaddle him up and shoosh him as loud as we can and he'll be passed out in less than 10 minutes.

The best of times is when I wake the sleeping munchkin for his last feeding of the day. Sometime between 9 and 10pm, I slip in and watch him lightly snoring and sunggled in his nap nanny. I whisper to wake him up and I usually get a sleepy grin when he hears my voice. I unswaddle him while he stretches and moans, then I change his diaper, give him mylicon, and set him in my lap to feed him. This past week he will only take about half of his bottle (around 3 oz.) because he's so sleepy. He eats while half asleep, falls asleep while I burp him, and doesn't even wake back up when I swaddle him again.

This sweet precious munchkin always makes me forget about the evil munchkin that appeared earlier while I was trying to eat dinner. Sometimes I think I see glimpses of what he'll look like when he's older. I try to freeze the memory in my mind so I don't forget how wonderful nights like these are. I know some people prefer the early morning feedings when the sun is rising, but I come from a family of night owls. I've always done my best work at 10pm, so its fitting that these are the best times for me as a mom. =)


  1. So true! and when he's older and he's sound asleep you'll be able to look at him and still see the precious little one he is now.

  2. You and me both. I'll take a little bonding before midnight ANY day over the 5-6 am bonding.
