Parker will be seven weeks old on Friday, but I didn't get a six weeks post in, so here goes. Our new accomplishment lately has been smiling and almost giggling. He is also a super night sleeper for only hitting the six weeks mark. I feed him at 8pm, and then he usually sleeps from 9pm until 4am! After feeding him from 4 - 4:30am, then he sleeps until 8am. I am a new woman now that we've been on this schedule for the last two weeks. He eats 4oz. at each feeding, and I'm starting to try 5oz. this week. Stupid Dr. Brown's doesn't make 6 oz. bottles, only 4oz. and 8oz. so moving up to an 8oz. bottle makes a big difference and I hate to waste even an ounce of precious milk!
Parker loves to sit in his vibrating chair on the kitchen table so he can look out all of the windows.
If we're lucky, he begins to yawn and will fall asleep while vibrating his little tootsies off!
At night, Parker is swaddled in a miracle blanket that keeps his strong arms and fists sunder wraps. He also sleeps on his Nap Nanny inside of his crib. This is a new invention found at Stork Land in Wichita Falls. Its designed for babies that may have acid reflux, but I think its good to keep him semi-upright in case he spits up during the night. Plus, its made of foam and easy to throw in the car when we go to Wichita Falls or the lake. For now, he sleeps on this on the floor at the lake and we don't have to drag out the pack-n-play.
Here's some of that cute grinnin' and gigglin'. His Mimi and Daddy B (Benton's parents, Nancy and Mark) got him some cute Polo outfits when they were in Las Vegas. I've heard Polo runs small, but he's already wearing 6 month outfits from Polo.
Parker still has blue eyes, but I swear they change colors each day. On Monday, before Benton left for London for a business trip, we swore they were turning hazel or brown. Today, they're as blue as ever!
This was taken on my iPhone, so its not great quality, but this is a picture of us in Austin last weekend. One of our best friends from Wichita Falls got married at the Four Seasons under the stars. We had a great adult weekend while my parents watched Parker at our house. We ate dinner Friday night at Eddie V's (our favorite restaurant in Austin), I had a massage Saturday morning while Benton played golf at the UT Golf Club, I got sunburned by the pool Saturday afternoon, and we danced like maniacs at the reception. Anytime you have more than 10 Wichita friends gathered together, you know its going to be a good party! Thanks to Emily and Rand Winfrey for a great weekend and wedding reception!