
Kristen & Benton Brown

An Unexpected Start

An Unexpected Start
Parker Trimble Brown was born April 9, 2010.

I'm One Year Old

I'm One Year Old
Parker will be 14 months old on June 9th.

Friday, October 22, 2010

No Peas Please

This week Parker has tried green beans, squash, peas, and sweet potatoes. He is still spitting up almost constantly, which is really gross now that it has fun colors that stain like green and orange. He started prescription Prevacid tablets that dissolve in his mouth, so hopefully we'll see some improvement soon since a month's supply was $77 (with insurance)!

Green beans were okay, squash was super yummy, peas were yucky and induced more spit-ups, and sweet potatoes are yummy too. We're eating three meals a day of food for three days before moving on to the next flavor.

In reality, Parker really just wants to stick his fingers in his mouth and eat the spoon (tooth nĂºmero two appeared on Tuesday). He also reverts a his purple-faced tantrums if you try and wipe his face off with a wet paper towel.
Not a big deal, unless you're meeting a new neighbor and have to apologize that your child has sweet potato streaks of orange across his forehead and up his nose.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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