1) Birth of Parker Trimble Brown on April 9, 2010
2) Finally getting to bring Parker home nine days later:
3) Turning 30th with a fabulous fiesta party with our closest friends and family in September. This is one of my birthday presents...
4) Moving to our new house with our great big backyard (this is Jack's #1 for 2010).
5) Spending a pregnant New Year's Eve in New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl:
6) Vino vacation in Napa for a friend's wedding in June:
7) First family vacation in Jackson Hole for a friend's wedding and my first time to go fly fishing (I'm "hooked"):
8) Being a stay home mom who works 19 hours each week. I loved being at New Tech through April 1st, but I can't say enough about being home with Parker and Jack the last nine months. I am so thankful that I have been able to work part time for the school district and have Elizabeth to watch Parker while I'm gone. Its been a dream come true...
9) This is a terrible picture, but I'm thankful for my girlfriends in 2010. These are my high school friends in the picture, but my college and work friends count too! Six of us have a standing dinner each month that retains our sanity - Mi Cocina and some girl talk works wonders!
10) My parents and in-laws have been amazing this year. I never imagined what they would be like as grandparents, but they have exceeded all expectations. They are all crazy about Parker and will do anything for him. Love you Nonnie, Pops, Mimi, and Daddy B!
I can't imagine a better year than 2010. Here's to hoping that each year may be better than the last. Hello 2011!
Love it! Happy New Year!