I'm way behind on blogging after spending 5 nights in Wichita Falls, one night at home, and 2 nights in Austin. I'm still working on tweaking my pictures from my good camera, so here are some from my phone for now...
Parker held his own bottle while reclined in his highchair while I loaded the car last Wednesday. Then he decided to start his nap, which meant he had a meltdown two hours later in Jolly, Texas.

Our friends, The Lukerts, hosted their first annual Tacky Christmas party last Thursday night. It was great to have a free night out (thanks mom & dad) and catch up with old high school friends.

We took Parker to the 6pm Christmas Eve service at our church. He stayed up until 8:15pm and I was really hoping Santa would let us all sleep in until 8am on Christmas morning...

Parker and daddy on Christmas morning - I should have put combs in both of their stockings!

Parker got a cute new chair for Christmas from his Mimi and Daddy B. He loves to climb up in it and then do a forward somersault out of it, hence the frog pillow pet below.

Nonnie and Pops got Parker a DVD player for the car (we had a 10 hour road trip planned to Taos, NM that was cancelled at the last minute). We went to Austin on Tuesday and Parker watched Beauty and the Beast after he woke up from his morning nap.

We shared a suite at the Omni in Austin with the Gossetts. It was great to have our own rooms for the pack-n-plays and a living room for the babies to explore. Here's a shot of Parker trying to steal Olivia's toys:

Last night we went to Eddie V's in downtown Austin. It's one of our favorite restaurants any where and it did not disappoint. We had champagne, oysters, striped bass, banana fosters, cake, and more that I won't list because we ate a ridiculous amount of food! Thanks to Clare for finding us one of her friends to babysit.

It took over 4 hours and lots of mom entertainment in the backseat to get home today. Parker only slept 20 minutes on the way home. He had two hard head bonks after we got home and passed out at 6:15. Can't wait to get back on a schedule tomorrow!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone