My favorite Christmas item for today is Christmas trees. I got mine finished last night with the help of my babysitter and her boyfriend! My tree is almost all glass ornaments that I've collected over the last 7 years we've been married. Our first Christmas after we got married, we lived on the third floor of an apartment in Las Colinas and Benton thought it was dumb to invest in a tree when we had no where to put it. We got an 18 inch tall living Christmas tree and put in on our dining room table and I decorated it with mini glass ornaments.
I love the stories a family Christmas tree tells and how it shows the personality of the owner. My parent's tree still has all of our homemade ornaments from our childhood and my mother-in-law's tree is a real tree with Christopher Radko Santa ornaments. The Lukert family in Wichita Falls has a nine foot tall tree with all four of their now-grown children's ornaments from the last 31 years. They even hide a pickle ornament in the tree as an old German tradition.
I hope you have your Christmas trees up and decorated by now. I know they're a pain to put up and take down, but gosh, they're so fabulous while they're up. I love turning it on and off each night and recalling the memories that go along with each of my ornaments. I try to collect a new ornament whenever we take a trip, and I always buy the annual Waterford ornament at Dillard's each year. So far, we haven't broken any yet, but its only been up a day and a half. We put the tree in the office so it would be out of Parker's line of direct sight. Unfortunately, he remembers where it is each morning and he makes a bee-line crawling for it as soon as you put him on the ground.
Kristen, I do exactly all those things too! fun!! always get an ornament on a trip (forgot in JH this summer!) and keep adding to the ones you already had. my parents tree is full of all those ghetto handmade ornaments annelise, clint, and I made as kids. they are so ugly but my mom loves them :) merry christmas! tree looks great!