My mother always makes sugar cookie dough from scratch during the holidays. It usually sits in the refrigerator for a couple of days to get really cold (and so you can snack on dough while you wait), and then you bake the cookies. I could care less about eating the baked cookies - I preferred to eat the dough and decorate the cookies when they were finished.
Sometime we died the dough red or green, but usually we had fun mixing up different colors of icing. We always had red, green, yellow, and blue, and then sometimes you ended up with some purple swirl. Red was for the bells, green was for the Christmas trees, yellow was for the stars, and blue was just fun to make with the yellow and green food coloring. Jason and I always competed to make the prettiest cookies, similar to our Easter-egg dying competition. Cookies were better than eggs though, because after the icing you got to add sprinkles. My favorite were the silver balls that probably had carcinogens in them.
I try to make sugar cookies each year, but I'm no where near as good as my mom. The flour makes a mess, the dough doesn't stay cold, and my cookies are either too thick or too think. Last year I tried to make Westie and Fleur de Leis cookies. They over heated and turned into one large mess of a cookie. I'll try again this year though, in the hopes that I won't embarrass Parker as the mom who can't make him cookies to decorate for Christmas.
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